
Posts Tagged ‘Pink Chaddi Campaign’

Remember that song by Aerosmith, Pink? As in, that which is the color of passion and today just goes with the fashion? Every word in that song rings true right now, given India’s latest hyper-publicized movement (crusade by modern “netizens” ?), the Pink Chaddi Campaign.

Quick background, for those of you who (a) live in different time zones; or (b) live in this time zone, but under a very large, soundproof rock: The Pink Chaddi campaign began, as most important things in life do, as a Facebook group. It was created by the Consortium of Pub-going, Loose, and Forward Women, which came together as a response to attacks on women in pubs around the country, most notably in Mangalore, Karnataka. These attacks (which I believe included both physical assault and sexual molestation) were carried out by volunteers of the Hindu extremist group, Sri Rama Sene, in response to what they believe to be an outright “attack” on Hindu culture – that is, women frequenting pubs. The leader of this group, Pramod Muthalik, supposedly apologized for the attack itself but still “insisted it was done to save our mothers and daughters.” He has apparently threatened similar attacks if women continue acting in such a “non-Hindu” manner. And like-minded extremist groups, who characteristically get a little feisty around this time of year, have threatened to force any boy and girl found holding hands on V-day to get married. Wow. Just wow. And by the way, great measure for population control. No wonder China has higher GDP growth.


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